picture of butter in a butter bell

Things We Love: Butter Bells

The butter crock, also known as a butter bell or butter keeper, dates back to 19th century France. It is a two-piece contraption that keeps butter fresh on the counter for up to 30 days. The water should be as close to or touching the butter as possible. This device keeps butter smooth and spreadable for whenever you need it. While you can in theory keep it out all the time. I always put mine in the fridge overnight and take out in the morning when I make coffee.

Things We Love: Spanish Olive Oil Pitcher

I ultimately settled on this Spanish oil pitcher in, stainless steel from Schoolhouse. I could not be happier. While $46 may seem high, it’s sleek, protects the oil from heat and light, pours gracefully and holds a huge bottle of oil (it’s very deceiving). I think what I love the most about it is that the pour is so smooth. Use a lot or just a drop you have perfect control and no bubbles.